

All About Toothaches

Believe it or not, there’s a national day to honor toothaches of all things. It’s true. February 9th has been labelled National Toothache Day. It is not clear the origin of this day and remains a mystery, but is it coincidental that the Hershey’s Candy corporation was founded in February of 1894 and may be the cause of so many toothaches? Whatever its history, National Toothache Day is a reminder for all to focus on good oral health, and keep troublesome toothaches at bay.

So what causes toothaches? Many factors can contribute to toothaches such as decay, swelling, cracked or broken teeth, damaged dental work, gum disease or infection. The symptoms of toothache include sharp pain or dull pain in or around the tooth. The most common cause of a toothache is a dental cavity as a result of tooth decay, but proper diagnosis is needed by your dentist to determine the cause and determine the treatment.

What can you do to ease toothaches until you can get to your dentist? Here are a few home remedies to try:
    • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm, salt water.
    • Place a warm, wet tea bag placed over the area
    • Floss your teeth gently to dislodge any food particles that may be between them.
    • Use a toothpaste that is for sensitive teeth.
    • Avoid extreme hot or cold foods.
    • Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen

Get to your dentist quickly to determine the cause and treatment. There are various procedures that your dentist may use to stop a toothache depending on the cause of the pain such as dental fillings, root canals, or tooth extraction. Follow a proper oral hygiene routine, focus on good oral hygiene and don’t forget about your regular dental checkups. Contact Westchase Premier Dental at (813) 475 – 4528 if you are experiencing any pain or to schedule your next checkup.

Let’s work toward making every day a Toothache Free Day!

Further Reading: Home Remedies for Toothaches.


Proper Oral Appliance Cleaning Methods

Countertop ultrasonic cleaners are the best way to get your appliance cleaned. These units work by emitting high frequency sound vibrations. The vibrations loosen up plaque and tiny food particles from the crevices in the appliance. These units also pose less of a scratching risk to the appliance than manual cleaning.

Some people prefer to use a brush, but there are a few dos and don’ts to follow. There are brushes designed for certain dental appliances that you may use or a soft-bristle toothbrush (one that you do not use for your natural teeth). There are cleaners specially designed for oral appliances, but mild dish detergent or antibacterial hand soap will work just as well. You should never use toothpaste. Most toothpastes contain an abrasive ingredient for removing plaque from enamel, which could leave scratches on your appliance.

Boiling may kill bacteria, but the high heat may soften and warp the plastic material. This could alter the way the appliance fits and make them loose and uncomfortable. Always avoid using bleach. Bleach can whiten the area designed to mimic the red color of real gum tissue. Dental appliances should never be worn around the clock unless you’ve been advised to do so. This increases the potential growth and spread of bacteria.

Keeping your appliance clean will help it will last longer. Follow a proper home hygiene routine and regular dental visits to keep your teeth and appliance in top shape. Give us a call at (813) 475 – 4528 to schedule your next dental visit.


January is National Soup Month!

January is National Soup Month! A warm and hearty soup is comforting in cooler weather, but soup is perfectly appropriate to have all year long. Soups are incredibly versatile to cook. Start with your favorite veggies and meat. Toss in broth or water and add the spices of your choice and you have one of the most satisfying, comforting and healthiest meals to enjoy. What if we were to give you new incentive to eat have a bowl or two? Not only is it good for your overall health, soup is beneficial to your oral health as well.

Benefits of Vegetables

One of the best ways to get tons of vegetables in at once is in a hearty soup. Vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. Vitamin C has antioxidant benefits for your gums. It helps produce collagen which helps form body tissue, and it also repairs damaged gums. This helps your gums become more resistant to oral bacteria. Folic acid helps your mouth’s cells stay healthy. Calcium helps build bones and provide structural support. It also helps harden your enamel and strengthen your jawbone. Vegetables are also a key source of fiber, which builds a strong immune system. All these nutrients together help keep teeth and gums strong and in optimum health.

Benefits of Meat

Along with the high quantity of nutrients in vegetables, lean meats contain a healthy supply of nutrients as well. Protein contains phosphorous which is an essential component in improving the strength of your teeth. For those that of you that do not eat meat, green leafy vegetables have a healthy supply of protein.  Meat also contains L-arginine, which helps slow the formation of dental plaques.  For all of these reasons combined, soup seems to be an all inclusive way to pack in large amounts of nutrients for your body and oral health.

Westchase Premier Dental staff would like to encourage healthy eating habits to all of our patients along with a rigorous home hygiene routine and regular dental checkups. Give us a call at (813) 475 – 4528 to make your next appointment. We look forward to hearing from you and Happy National Soup Month!



Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment

New parents have plenty of adjustments to make when it comes to caring for your new addition to the family. Making sure your baby is healthy and happy becomes top priority while still adjusting to parenthood, hectic schedules and sleep deprivation. Westchase Premier Dental would like to encourage new parents to make your baby’s first dental appointment be early in life.

Your child’s first dental checkup should be by the age of one even though your baby may only have a few visible baby teeth. Early childhood dental visits are important in the detection of any developing dental issues. Unfortunately, some children develop tooth decay at a very young age. Your dentist will review proper care for your child’s teeth and discuss your child’s developmental milestones. Introducing healthy habits early will also make future visits to the dentist far more pleasurable.

Preparing for Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment

The first visit is generally talking to you and your child, taking a look in his or her mouth, and making oral health assessments. It is a good idea to tell them they are going to the dentist expressed with excitement. If you have dental anxiety yourself, try not to show it. This could be a learned habit that your child may pick up from you. Bringing along a comforting toy can be helpful just in case there is any fussiness. If you have other children, try to leave them at home or bring along another adult to care for them during the visit. All the attention can then be directed to the your baby’s first dental visit with complete focus is on your baby’s oral health.

The Dental Checkup Experience

You and your baby will be seated comfortably in the dental office. There will be a pleasant introduction to the dentist and a gentle examination will be performed. The examination will uncover any early signs of dental problems and assess the risk of your child developing disease in the future. Many times, this kind of risk assessment can help prevent and even reverse early stages of tooth decay. Also during the visit, you will learn various ways to keep your child’s oral health in top condition. This also may include lifestyle contributions to good oral health such as healthy eating habits and proper oral hygiene practices to use at home. Tips on brushing effectively will be reviewed and a follow-up visit will be scheduled needed.

Developing healthy habits begin early in life. Don’t hesitate to make your baby’s first dental appointment. Give Westchase Premier Dental a call at (813) 475 – 4528.

Our friendly staff is ready to help.

Further Reading on Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment


2016 Dental Blog Posts – Year in Review

The year of 2016 is coming to an end and it’s been a wonderful year since we opened our doors in February. The staff of Westchase Premier Dental would like to thank all of our patients we have had the pleasure of seeing this year and we look forward to welcoming you back for your checkups in 2017. Throughout the year we have shared dental blog posts with our patients to help them keep their smiles beautiful. We would like to reflect on this year’s blog posts and share our hand-selected top 10 for the year of 2016.

Our Top 10 Dental Blog Posts for 2016
    1. Westchase Dental Office is Now Accepting New Patients – We chose this one as it marks the day we began seeing patients in the Westchase and Tampa Bay area!
    2. Introducing Dr. David L. Castellano – We knew everyone would be excited to know the dentists and read Dr. Castellano’s Bio on our website.
    3. Introducing Dr. Jesus Sojo – Another introduction… this one for Dr. Sojo. with a link to his bio on our website.
    4. How Working Out Affects Your Oral Health – With the new year approaching and so many people hitting the gym, this is a good read on the oral health benefits of exercise.
    5. Use Tax Refund Money to Invest in Your Smile – There are so many things to spend tax returns on, but having a beautiful, white smile is priceless!
    6. Your Smile Can Make You Look Younger – This is so true. Bright smiles take years off your appearance. If you are concerned about aging and keeping a beautiful smile, this one is for you.
    7. Fight Receding Gums – Receding gums happens for many reasons and one of them is aging also. This article explains all about receding gums and preventative steps.
    8. Choosing the Right Dentist in Westchase – This is to help people when searching for a new dentist. We offer tips and tricks to finding the right dentist for you.
    9. Embrace Dental Communication – There is so much good information about all things dental: dental blogs, association websites, dental technology news articles, and various platforms of social media.
    10. Be Thankful for Your Smile – We chose this article to be our final top pick because we truly do want you to be thankful for your smile!

We hope you enjoyed reading some of our top dental blog posts for this year. Our goal is to deliver helpful information to our patients to help keep your smiles bright and healthy. Our blog is updated often and each of our new articles are posted to Facebook and Twitter. Give us a call to get your appointment set for the new year at (813) 475 – 4528. We look forward to another wonderful year and seeing our loyal patients return and also meeting and getting to know our new ones. We hope everyone has a happy and healthy new year and are able to spend it with each of your loved ones. Happy New Year!


Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Westchase Premier Dental provides wisdom tooth extraction for patients in the West Tampa and surrounding Tampa Bay areas. Wisdom tooth extraction is commonly necessary for an impacted wisdom tooth or a tooth that doesn’t have enough room to grow in properly. They often have to be removed to prevent crowding, painful infections or other dental problems. Wisdom teeth are the top and bottom third molars that typically begin to erupt between the ages 17 and 25, bringing the total number of permanent teeth to 32.

Reasons for Wisdom Tooth Extraction:

    • Creates Space for Other Molar Teeth
    • Prevents Bacteria and Infection
    • Prevents or Corrects Jaw, Nerve, or Adjacent Tooth Damage
    • Prevents or Corrects Periodontal Disease
    • Jaw or Tooth Alignment Correction
    • Improves Overall Oral Health

Wisdom tooth extraction procedures are performed by either a dentist or an oral surgeon. Wisdom teeth that are not impacted may be removed to avoid any future complications. If your wisdom teeth are erupted or partially erupted, they can be removed as easily as any other tooth.Wisdom teeth that are underneath the gums and embedded in the jawbone require more extensive treatment, usually under IV anesthesia. An oral surgeon or qualified dentist will perform surgery. Once the patient is sedated, the bone and tissue around the wisdom tooth are removed so the tooth can be clearing and effectively extracted. Lastly, the gums are sutured together with stitches for a quicker recovery time and less bleeding.

If you have any questions about wisdom tooth extraction procedures or due for an exam and cleaning, call us at (813) 475 – 4528. We have extended our hours to our patients with appointments available Monday through Friday 7 am to 7 pm. We are dedicated to providing quality dental service, so please contact us today to schedule your next appointment. 


Embrace Dental Communication

A simple way to feel great about dental treatment is to stay informed and on top of the latest dental information available. Open dental communication can give peace to even the most fearful patients. At Westchase Premier Dental, we know that patient education has a calming effect on troubled patients. With the help of the Internet, health literacy resources are at everyone’s fingertips. When you’re in the dark about a dental treatment and reasons for regular exams, you’re far less likely to follow through. Fear of the unknown can keep you from seeking dental care. Knowledge is motivational!

Health Literacy Definition:

Health literacy is the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.

There are many reliable websites keep dental communication widely accessible to everyone.  Our top picks of websites dedicated to sharing information regarding dental procedures, technologies, news, and other dental health topics:

    • Mouth Healthy  Mouth Healthy, part of the American Dental Association, is the patient guide to dental health. Learn about dental health topics, preventive oral care, common dental symptoms such as toothaches and mouth sores, and search for a new dentist. Learn how to brush your teeth properly, floss for healthy gums and what to do in a dental emergency.
    • Colgate – Discover the Colgate Oral Care Center. The Oral Care Center provides information on dental health, oral health products, oral health guides, and much more.
    • Mayo Clinic – At Mayo Clinic, over 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers share their expertise to empower you. Learn why it’s the right place for your health care.
    • WebMD – The leading source for trustworthy and timely health and medical news and information. Providing credible health information, supportive community, and educational services by blending award-winning expertise in content, community services, expert commentary, and medical review.

In order to change the way you approach your dental care and oral health, your first step should be talking to your dentist. Give us a call for your next dental exam at (813) 475 – 4528. Our friendly staff is eager to hear from you. We continuously update our blog with new topics concerning dental care, treatment options, latest news, and more. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.


5 Ways Pumpkin Spice Lattes Affect Your Teeth

With the shift of seasons from summer to fall, we experience many long, anticipated changes such as crisp, chilly weather, shorter daylight time, colorful foliage and last but not least, pumpkin spice everything! When you head out to your local coffee shop and you step in to the aroma of fresh brewed coffee and pumpkin spice, you simply cannot resist. Just remember to brush and rinse after drinking your favorite autumn drink, your teeth will thank you.

Our top 5 ways pumpkin spice lattes affect your teeth:

1. The Jitters – Coffee contains high levels of caffeine. A large volume of caffeine in your diet can lead to teeth clenching and tightening of the jaw. This can result in dental problems such as tooth sensitivity, cracked teeth and jaw pain.

2. The Sugar Shocker – Pumpkin spice lattes typically have more than 12 teaspoons of sugar. That’s more than double the recommended daily limit per person. Oh my! All that sugar sticks to your teeth and if it’s not brushed away, it can quickly be the culprit to cavities.

3. Coffee Breath – As coffee sticks to your tongue, bacteria grows and causes bad breath (Halitosis) and various other dental problems. Adding a tongue scraper to your normal dental care routine helps cut down on the build-up and keeps bad breath at bay.

4. The Dark Side –  Your enamel is porous and coffee can enter the tiny gaps and cause tooth discoloration. This is where teeth whitening treatments come in. Even a rigorous home oral hygiene routine may not be enough to combat the staining effects caused by drinking coffee.

5. The Breakdown – The acid in coffee can wear away the enamel on your teeth. This process weakens the enamel and leaves your teeth more prone to decay.

At Westchase Premier Dental, we want everyone to be able to still enjoy their morning lattes in moderation. We provide our patients and community with health and nutritional information to keep your smiles beautiful and healthy. Remember to brush as soon as possible following a sugary drink, maintain a vigilant hygiene routine at home, and stay on top of your regular cleanings and checkups.

For those seeking a healthier option, here is one of our favorite recipes we have found to be much easier on your smile: The Ultimate Healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte

Give us a call at (813) 475 – 4528 to schedule your next dental checkup or to discuss teeth whitening to combat staining and bring back your bright, beautiful smile. We look forward to hearing from you!


How to Floss Your Teeth Like a Dental Hygienist

October is National Dental Hygiene Month! Oral hygiene is the foundation to excellent dental health. A proper dental hygiene routine at home is the best way to prevent dental complications and keep your smile looking bright and healthy. Westchase Premier Dental would like to share some expert flossing advice to help keep your smile bright and healthy. For those of you wanting to learn the techniques used to floss like a pro, this article is for you!

What is floss?

Floss is made from nylon filaments or plastic monofilaments. Flavoring agents, such as mint, may be added to make flossing more pleasant. There is no difference how waxed or unwaxed floss works in terms of effectiveness. Just use whichever you prefer and are more likely to use often. The type of floss you use doesn’t really matter as long as you are using it properly.

Proper Flossing Method

Flossing prior to brushing ensures that the particles and bacteria unearthed during flossing will be removed during brushing. Either way is acceptable as long as you do a thorough job. Also, be sure to floss at least once a day.

Wrap about 18 inches of floss around your two middle fingers, with one of the two fingers having the majority of the floss. By wrapping the floss around the two middle fingers, your index fingers are free to use to guide the floss. Start all the way in the back and slide the floss around your back tooth. Gently use an up and down motion going down to the gum line until you meet some resistance. As you get to each tooth, let out a little more floss and wrap it around the finger picking up the slack. This way you are using a cleaning area of floss and you transfer the bacteria from tooth to tooth. Move to the opposite side of that tooth and gently slide the floss down in between two teeth and work it up and down several times. Repeat this motion until you have reached all areas between your teeth, top and bottom. Make sure you don’t “snap” the floss so you don’t injure your gums.

Congratulations! Now you know just how to floss your teeth like a dental hygienist! We want all of our patients to have the insight to be able to brush the right way and give yourself the excellent oral care you deserve! Contact Westchase Premier Dental at (813) 475 – 4528 to schedule your next professional cleaning and exam.



Best Fall Foods for Your Teeth

September 22 marks the first day of fall. Along with the change of seasons, comes a multitude of delicious seasonal foods. Most fruits and vegetables that are in season during autumn go nicely with Thanksgiving dinner right around the corner. There are certain foods that have significant positive benefits for your teeth. They provide vital nutrients and minerals that strengthen teeth and keep your smile bright and in optimum health.

Some of the best fall foods for your teeth include fall vegetables like kale, carrots & broccoli and fall fruits such as strawberries, kiwi & apples. Along with providing necessary nutrients and minerals that strengthen teeth, these fibrous foods cleanse your teeth as you chew, defending your gums against bacteria and tooth decay. This also means that these delicious foods contribute to your bright smile and help it to stay in tip-top shape.

Always try to avoid processed foods, which are generally have a high sugar content. Fresh fruits like granny smith apples are a healthy option for satisfying your sugar cravings. If you do add sugar to quench a sweet tooth, try using stevia which is a natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant. Be sure to brush and floss as soon as possible following any sweet snacks or drinks. Drinking water afterward will help cleanse your teeth and wash away the harmful bacteria from your teeth.

Eating healthy foods and maintaining your home hygiene regimen will keep your teeth in good shape between dental visits. To ensure your teeth are in tip-top shape and there are no undetected dental problems developing, visit Westchase Premier Dental for your routine checkups and cleanings. In between visits, however, enjoy nutritious and tasty treats that will make your mouth smile!

Contact Westchase Premier Dental at (813) 475 – 4528.

Further Reading: WebMd – Foods Good For Your Teeth


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