

Improving Dental Health in Seniors

It is important to be aware of the effects of aging and oral health as we enter our senior years. Our mouths go through changes at this time and we become more at risk for developing a variety of oral health conditions. The nerves in our teeth can become smaller. This can make any cavities or other dental problems less noticeable, which could lead to a late diagnosis. Being aware of this process as you age can help reduce the chance of severe dental problems by regular dental exams for early diagnosis.

Dry Mouth, tooth decay and gum disease become more of a problem and significantly impacts seniors’ health and well-being. Improving dental health in senior years is vital in keeping these dental problems at bay. Poor dental hygiene increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Poor dental health also affects nutrition. Many seniors may prefer soft foods that are easy to chew and not have enough nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables in their diet.

Tips for Improving Dental Health in Seniors

Improving dental health in seniors involves a rigorous daily dental care routine and a well-balanced diet. Doing so will significantly improve oral health and prevent worse conditions from developing. Seniors should brush their teeth twice daily and floss at least once a day. They should also keep dental checkups and cleanings every 6 months. If you take care of your teeth and get proper dental care, your teeth can last a lifetime.

Preventative maintenance and repairs will help keep any developing dental issues from becoming more severe with aging adults. Westchase Premier Dental encourages everyone to stay on top of your dental checkups and cleanings throughout your life so that you can approach your golden years with a head start on a healthy smile. Give us a call to schedule your next checkup and cleaning at (813) 475 – 4528.  We look forward to being your family dentist for years to come.

Further Reading About Improving Dental Health in Seniors:


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