

The Science of Tooth Decay

Lets talk about the science of tooth decay! It is common knowledge that tooth decay is the result of plaque and bacteria. Plaque that forms on your teeth contains bacteria, which utilizes sugars in the foods you eat to produce acid. This acid attacks your teeth and destroys the enamel. Combined, these are the basic causes of tooth decay.

There are certain factors that contribute to tooth decay that can be broken down to a science:

    • The Anatomy of Your Teeth  – Each and every tooth is different, even within your own mouth. All teeth have a unique shape, size and quality of tooth enamel formation. Some teeth may be harder and stronger than others. Some may have deep fissures that can trap bacteria, which can lead to tooth decay.
    • Salivary Flow & Content – Saliva helps keep the acidity in your mouth at optimal levels. It aids in washing away plaque from teeth and remineralize after acid attacks on your teeth. Reduced flow or inadequate quality of saliva increases the risk of tooth decay.
    • pH Levels in Your Mouth – The acidity of your mouth plays an important role in the formation of tooth decay. A low pH level, which is acidic, allows decay-causing bacteria to thrive. The pH level is affected greatly by the quality and flow of saliva and your diet.
    • Dietary Nutrition – Your diet is one of the biggest and most easily controlled risk factors for developing tooth decay. A diet made up mostly of sugars and sticky foods will increase the amount of plaque formed and lower the acidity of your saliva.
    • Home Dental Hygiene Care – Brushing and flossing properly twice a day is your best weapon to fight against tooth decay. Also, rinsing with water after ingesting sugar foods is another way to keep the pH level in check.

Stay on top of your regular cleanings and checkups at Westchase Premier Dental and keep your smile happy, healthy, and decay-free. Give us a call at (813) 475 – 4528 to schedule your next appointment. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you!


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